Young International Faculty Program
The Young International Faculty (YIF) is aimed towards recruiting recent doctorates and post-doctoral fellows from renowned universities across the globe as full-time foreign faculty (non-Indian citizens/non-OCIs) at the equivalent level of Assistant Professor.
About the Program
The YIF Program offers an initial twos years position, and it may extend up to five years. This is a tenure track position and is aimed towards those who would like to primarily focus on academic research with the host research group at IIT Madras. As a faculty member the YIF will also jointly supervise M.S. and Ph.D. students.
Applications should be made through a host faculty member at IIT Madras in the form of a detailed academic CV, stating the educational background of the applicant, research plan and industrial consultancy plan (if applicable), details of prior research output, awards & other recognitions.
The total compensation IIT Madras will offer (including benefits) is INR 1,80,000/ month (subject to relevant experience) and is based on the equivalent IITM faculty compensation components of Base Salary and Allowances. The YIF will also be able work on consulting projects along with their IITM research group to earn additional income.
Program Objectives
To recruit full-time foreign faculty (non-Indian citizens/non-OCIs) at the equivalent level of Assistant Professor.
Targeting recent doctoral graduates who would like to primarily focus on academic research with a host research group at IITM. As a faculty member within the research group, the YIF will also jointly supervise M.S. and Ph.D. students. The faculty member may also assist in teaching.
Ratio of time allocated for research: teaching is 90%: 10% (approximately).
Expectations of the YIF
The establishment of an independent, high-impact research program within the larger framework of the affiliated research group by the end of the 1st year.
Significant and measurable research output (such as papers in top journals in the related field, patent filing, industry/socially-relevant solutions, etc.) by the end of the 2nd & 3rd years.
Program Benefits
Accelerated recruitment process
60 days of paid vacation per year (or work during the 60 days with an additional 30 days of salary)
Relocation allowance
Professional Development Allowance (up to 3,000 Euros per year) to attend and present papers at national & international conferences
Leave benefits on par with regular IITM faculty
Liberal consultancy policy, including projects from foreign companies
Institute assistance in identifying suitable housing and shared transport
Home Travel Allowance, up to 650 Euros per year (included in the total compensation above)
Opportunity to benefit from IIT Madras’ robust start-up ecosystem (http://www.incubation.iitm.ac.in/) and Research Park (http://respark.iitm.ac.in/)
Opportunities to be involved in socially relevant projects through CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) programs and other initiatives
Policy & provisions that enable collaborations with international research Groups (http://www.oir.iitm.ac.in)
Period of Contract
Candidates will be offered the position of Visiting Assistant Professor for an initial period of 2 years, with an evaluation at the end of the 1st year. Exceptional performance will merit the option of an extension for the 3rd year. Consistent excellence in performance over the 3 years will qualify the YIF for a tenure-track faculty position at IIT Madras.

Contact Person
Ms. Rupa S. Pandit
Designation: Associate program administrator, IOE Initiatives
Email: projects@ge.iitm.ac.in
Telephone: 044-2257 8869