Joint Doctoral Program
The JDP program offers PhD candidates the opportunity to pursue their PhD studies at two institutions which have a JDP-MoU. On successful completion of the JDP, the candidate gets a joint PhD degree from both the institutions.
About the Program
IITM is desirous of creating joint doctoral degree programs (JDPs) with reputed foreign universities. Typically, a university with which it creates such a program will be comparable with IITM in terms of size of its faculty, scope of its research, doctoral degree programs, infrastructure, and quality of research output. In some cases, IITM may enter into a joint degree program with a university specifically in certain areas/departments in which the university is on par with IITM, even if the university as a whole is not comparable in some aspects.
Currently IITM has JDP agreements with 18 foreign universities across 7 countries.
PhD candidates enrolled at a foreign university which has a JDP agreement with IITM.
Application Procedure
Students who are interested in getting admitted into the JDP will first be selected to the Ph.D. programs at a partner Institute following its own selection procedures.
The collaborating faculty from both the institutes will then select the JDP scholars from among the students thus selected into the individual Ph.D. programs at either Institute. This subsequent joint selection will be carried out within six – twelve months of the student enrolling in the PhD program through video conference and/or by any means including exchange of data pertaining to the students, reference letters, and so on.
Students who are thus admitted into the JDP program, will have collaborating faculty members who selected them as their guides/supervisors.
The guide at the Home Institute will be the main guide and the other from IITM will be the student's co-guide.
Students are requested to fill in the online webform and upload the necessary documents. Link to webform: http://www.oir.iitm.ac.in/web-form/
Funding Details
Scholars will pay tuition fees to their Home Institute throughout the duration of the JDP, including the duration of study at the Partner Institute following the Home Institute's fee structure.
The student is entitled to know the source of funding for his JDP at the time of admission. If the expenses such as travel, stay at the Partner Institute, insurance etc. have to be borne by the student, for which, their acceptance should be obtained during their admission.
In order to encourage students to join the JDP, the Home Institute should make every endeavour to support the student financially for the costs associated with stay at the Partner Institute, insurance, etc.
The JDP students need not be supported by their respective Home Institutes during their visits to the Partner Institutes.

Contact Person
Marissa Catherine
Designation: Project Officer - International Academic Programs
Email: inbound1@ge.iitm.ac.in
Telephone: +91 44 22574928
Room: 123