AeSI Start-up Quest 2023
🇮🇳New Delhi, India
Dear Students,
We would like to inform you about the AeSI Start-up Quest 2023.
The Quest aims to support early-stage innovative start-ups by offering an initial one-time prototype/technology demonstration grant of up to INR 2 lakhs for up to 3 start-ups.
Here’s a glimpse of what the AeSI Start-up Quest 2023 has to offer:
- Opportunity for your start-up to showcase at the Start-up Stalls as a part of the AeSI Conference in New Delhi on November 19 & 20, 2023.
- Three selected start-ups will each receive the AeSI Start-up One-time grant of INR 2 lakhs.
- Accelerated support from our AeSI partners, including technology mentoring, market access, and access to non-dilutive and dilutive capital, subject to due diligence.
- Access to incubation pipeline, contingent upon evaluation and due diligence.
For more information, please click this link:
If you have any inquiries or require additional information, please contact at