Special Issue

Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (JTAC) - Springer

We are pleased to announce that JTAC will feature a special issue dedicated to the ICTAC 2024 conference. We welcome all presenters and their research teams to submit their work, provided it aligns with the journal's scope and was presented at the conference.

After the Conference, full papers will be published in the Special issue of the Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry- Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (2023 Impact Factor: 3.0)- Oldest and leading journal on TA&C published by Springer.

The submission has to be made through the Editorial Manager System of the journal following the instructions given therein https://link.springer.com/journal/10973/submission-guidelines. It is essential to mark in the “Comments” field that this paper belongs to the ICTAC 2024. The deadline for submission is November 30, 2024

Guest Editor

Ranjit K. Verma : profrkverma@gmail.com

Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data (JCED) - ACS

We are excited to announce that JCED will publish a special issue dedicated to the ICTAC 2024 conference. All conference presenters and their research teams are invited to submit their work, provided it falls within the journal's scope and was presented at the conference.

Please ensure your submissions adhere to JCED’s General Author Guidelines, as well as the specific guidelines for the journal’s relevant sections. For more details, visit: https://researcher-resources.acs.org/publish/author_guidelines?coden=jceaax

Submit your manuscript by December 31, 2024 using the ‘Submit Manuscript” button on the JCED Homepage

Guest Editors

Ramesh L. Gardas : gardas-office@jced.acs.org

Jitendra S. Sangwai : jitendrasangwai@iitm.ac.in

Green Chemistry Letters and Review (GCLR) - Taylor & Francis

We are thrilled to announce that GCLR will publish a virtual special issue dedicated to the ICTAC 2024 conference. We invite all conference presenters and their research teams to submit their work, provided it falls within Track 8: Sustainability, Recycling, and Circular Economy.

For specific guidelines pertaining to the journal's relevant sections, please visit: https://www.tandfonline.com/action/authorSubmission?show=instructions&journalCode=tgcl20

Commissioning Editor

Agnes Zhou : Agnes.Zhou@taylorandfrancis.com