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Welcome to ICTAC-2024

The 18th International Congress on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (ICTAC 2024) is being hosted by IIT Madras in association with International confederation for thermal analysis and calorimetry, (ICTAC), Indian Thermodynamics Society (ITS), Amritsar, Indian Chemical Society (ICS), Kolkata, and Indian Council of Chemists (ICC), Agra.

The Conference shall cover various aspects including interfaces of Thermal Analysis (TA) which is itself a large group of analytical techniques that are essential to study properties and changes in substances under any temperature programme. It is one of the most versatile techniques today and there is hardly any field of science and technology where one or more of such techniques are not applied. Senior scientists working in the fields of Explosive Science, solid rocket fuels, material science, food science, pharmaceutical science, chemical science, and physical science shall form part of the 400-500 delegates from across the globe. They will discuss new research findings on breakthroughs in the knowledge of thermal processing, and effect of the rate and type of heating on changes in the substances or their properties.

Like previous ICTAC Conferences, leading journals in the field, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (Springer Nature), Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data (Virtual special issue, ACS) will bring out special issues devoted to the event. Selected full length papers and reports on the event will be published through a peer review process.

Important Dates

Abstract submission opens: 15 March 2024
Abstract template →
Abstract submission closes: 30 June 2024
Abstract Link →
Abstract acceptance notification: 31 May | 30 June
Registration opens: 15 March 2024
Registration (Regular Fee) closes: 31 July 2024
Registration (Late Fee) closes: 20 August 2024

Principal themes/ Tracks

Track 1 - Thermodynamics, Thermochemistry & Thermophysical Properties

This theme encompasses studies on the fundamental principles of thermodynamics, including heat transfer, entropy, and energy conversion. It also includes research on thermochemistry, focusing on the heat evolved or absorbed during chemical reactions. Additionally, investigations into the thermophysical properties of materials such as phase transitions, specific heat capacities, and thermal conductivity will be discussed.

Track 2 - Kinetics, Catalysis, Energy and Fuels,

Discussions will revolve around the rates of chemical reactions, factors affecting reaction rates, and mechanisms governing reaction pathways. Catalysis, including heterogeneous and homogeneous catalysis, and its applications in energy production and environmental remediation will be explored. Moreover, topics related to alternative energy sources, such as biofuels, hydrogen fuel cells, and solar energy, will be addressed.

Track 3 - Materials, Instruments & Methods, Standards & Nomenclature,

This theme focuses on the characterization and analysis of materials using various techniques and instruments like spectroscopy, microscopy, and chromatography. Standardization and nomenclature of materials will also be discussed to ensure consistency and clarity in scientific communication. Additionally, advancements in experimental methods for thermal analysis and calorimetry will be highlighted.

Track 4 - Bioproducts, Biofuels, Biomaterials, Industrial Biotechnology,

Discussions will center around the development and applications of bioproducts, biofuels, and biomaterials derived from renewable sources. Industrial biotechnology, including genetic engineering and fermentation processes, will be explored for sustainable production of chemicals and materials. Moreover, the utilization of biowaste for value-added products and bioremediation strategies will be addressed.

Track 5 - Engineering Materials, Polymers and Biopolymers

This theme encompasses research on the synthesis, processing, and properties of engineering materials, including metals, ceramics, and composites. Discussions will also focus on the structure-property relationships of polymers and biopolymers, along with their applications in various fields such as packaging, healthcare, and electronics. Furthermore, advancements in polymer processing techniques and recycling technologies will be discussed.

Track 6 - Ecology, Environmental Protection and Green Chemistry

Topics will include strategies for minimizing environmental impact through green chemistry principles, such as waste reduction, solvent substitution, and energy efficiency. Discussions will also revolve around the assessment and mitigation of environmental pollution, including air, water, and soil contamination. Additionally, the role of ecology in sustainable development and ecosystem preservation will be highlighted.

Track 7 - Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry

This theme will cover research on the design, synthesis, and characterization of pharmaceutical compounds with therapeutic applications. Discussions will include drug delivery systems, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics for optimizing drug efficacy and safety. Moreover, topics related to natural products, drug metabolism, and pharmaceutical analysis techniques will be explored.

Track 8 - Sustainability, Recycling and Circular Economy

Discussions will focus on strategies for achieving sustainability through the adoption of circular economy principles, including resource efficiency and waste valorization. Topics will include sustainable manufacturing processes, eco-design, and life cycle assessment of products. Furthermore, advancements in recycling technologies for various materials, including plastics, metals, and electronics, will be addressed.

Track 9 - Life & Environmental Sciences, and Education

This theme encompasses interdisciplinary research at the interface of life sciences, environmental sciences, and education. Discussions will include topics such as biodiversity conservation, ecosystem dynamics, and environmental policy and governance. Additionally, innovative approaches to science education and outreach for promoting environmental awareness and sustainability will be explored.

Track 10 - 14th National Conference of the Indian Thermodynamics Society

Embracing innovation, the 14th National Conference of the Indian Thermodynamics Society convenes, Gathering experts, scholars, and enthusiasts to explore the frontiers of thermal science's domains.

From classical principles to cutting-edge applications, minds unite to share insights anew, In the pursuit of sustainable solutions, fostering collaboration and breakthroughs in view.

Symposium on Applications of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (SATAC-2024)

An International Symposium on Applications of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (SATAC-2024) shall be held on 2nd September 2024 as the next sequel of SATAC which began with SATAC-2010 (Chandigarh, India). Papers covering different aspects of applications of various domains of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry shall be presented during the symposium which is being organised as a part of the event. Selected papers presented during the Symposium shall be published in the special issues of journals. No separate registration shall be required.