Important News:
1. Foreign participants are encouraged to register on or before the early bird deadline to ease their visa process.2. Last date for Early bird registration : 31 August 2024.3. Early Bird Registration extended till 15 September 2024.4. Hands-on training on Optimization using Matlab.

The International Workshop on

Optimizing Engineering Design with AI:
A Focus on Ocean Energy Systems (OEDAI-2024)

With a theme of Sustainability in Marine Structures

Date: Nov 17-20, 2024

Welcome to OEDAI 2024

Welcome to the International workshop on Optimizing Engineering Design with AI: A Focus on Ocean Energy Systems at IIT Madras. This workshop will showcase AI's latest advancements in design optimization and ocean energy systems, with participation from students, faculty, engineers, and researchers exploring AI's role in ocean energy and engineering.

Led by experts from academia, industry, and research, the workshop will provide an interactive platform for knowledge exchange and innovative solutions to current challenges. Topics include AI-driven design optimization, CFD, FEM, and FSI in Ocean Engineering, wave, tidal, wind, biomass, and floating solar energy systems, offshore infrastructure for the blue economy, ports, harbors, coastal construction issues, and other relevant subjects in marine energy and sustainable development.

We look forward to your participation and the valuable exchanges that will enhance sustainable ocean infrastructure.