Additive Manufacturing of Energy Generation and Storage Devices
Prof. Kothandaraman Ramanujam
Dr. Vipul Gupta
- Collaborators
Reconfigurable optical access for future wireless networks
Prof. Deepa Venkitesh
Assoc. Prof. Chathu Ranaweera
- Collaborators
The techno-economic potential of multi-energy microgrid
Dr.Santosh Kumar Sahu
Dr.Saman A. Gorji
- Collaborators
Navigating the AI Frontier: Transparency and Accountability in Digital Entrepreneurship
Dr.Imon Chakraborty
Dr.Achinto Roy
- Collaborators
Prof.Sayan Gupta
As/Prof.Kris Law
- Collaborators
Machine Learning in Cryptanalysis
Asst.Prof.Aishwarya Thiruvengadam
Dr.Je Sen Teh
- Collaborators