Track 1: 12 months at UoB


Semester Location Duration Core Courses Electives Project IITM Credits UoB Credits
Semester 1 – Taught courses (Theory) IITM Late July to November 4 1 45 59
Industrial Internship IITM December Yes 25 33
Semester 2 – Taught Courses (Theory for practice) UoB February to June 6 46 60
Summer and/ Semester 3 UoB June to August Yes 46 60
Semester 4 UoB September to January 2 Yes 46 60
Total 208 272

Semester 2: Students to pick 6 electives

Semester 4: Students to pick 2 electives

Semester Offered at Type Course Number Course Name IITM UoB
1 IITM Core ME5590 Decarbonisation technologies 9
Core HS5760 Climate Economics 9
Core CH5013 Principles of Fuel Cells 9
Core CH4960 The Nuclear Energy Option 9
Elective(list at the end of the page) Elective 9
Total 45 59
Winter Project IITM Project 1 Industrial Internship 25 33
2 UoB Electives to be chosen for 60 credits listed at the end of the document 46 60
Total 46 60
3 UoB Project 2 Full-time Research Project supervision - IIT Madras & UoB 60
Total 46 60
4 UoB Project 3 Research Project extension with collaborative supervision between IIT Madras & UoB 20
Elective 20
Elective 20
Total 46 60
Program Total 208 272

Track 2: End Program at IIT Madras


Semester Location Duration Core Courses Electives Project IITM Credits UoB Credits
Semester 1 – Taught courses (Theory) IITM Late July to November 4 1 45 59
Industrial Internship IITM December Yes 25 33
Semester 2 – Taught Courses (Theory for practice) UoB February to June 6 46 60
Summer and/ Semester 3 UoB June to July Yes 31 40
Semester 4 IITM July to January 2 Yes 48 64
Total 195 256

Semester 2 (Feb-June): Students to pick 6 electives ( 6 x 10 credits) at UoB

Semester 4 (July – January): Students to pick 2 electives from the basket at IITM

Semester Offered at Type Course Number Course Name IITM UoB
1 IITM Core ME5590 Decarbonisation technologies 9
Core HS5760 Climate Economics 9
Core CH5013 Principles of Fuel Cells 9
Core CH4960 The Nuclear Energy Option 9
Elective*(list at the end of the page) Elective 9
Total 45 59
Winter Project IITM Project 1 Industrial Internship 25 33
2 UoB Electives to be chosen for 60 credits listed at the end of the document 46 60
Total 46 60
3 UoB Project 2 Full-time Research Project supervision - IIT Madras & UoB 31 40
Total 31 40
4 IITM Project 2(Partial) TBC Full-time Research Project with collaborative supervision between IIT Madras & Edgbaston 15 20
Project 3 TBC Research Project with collaborative supervision between IIT Madras & UoB 15 20
Elective From the elective list 9 12
Elective From the elective list 9 12
Total 48 64
Program Total 195 256

Credit Conversion:

IITM to UoB:
(Number of credits*13 weeks)/ 10
Eg: 9 credit
9*13/10 = 11.7 ~ 12 credits at UoB
UoB to IITM:
(Number of Credits * 10)/13 weeks
Eg: 20 credits
20*10/13 = 15.3 ~ 15 credits at IITM

Curriculum Details:

Semester 1

1. ME5590- Decarbonisation technologies

Description: (1) Introduce students to the importance and the urgent need for decarbonization technologies. (2) Familiarize students with the major carbon emitting sectors, current practices in use and quantum of emissions; focus will be on hard to decarbonize sectors. (3) Introduce the major decarbonization technologies and their application. (4) Discuss in some detail the decarbonization potential of hydrogen and biomass and their future prospects. (5) Familiarize students with the Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS) – a technology pathway considered critical to achieve net zero CO2 emissions by 2050. Introduce synergies between CCS and cement and iron & steel sectors.

Course Content: Module 1 Introduction - rudimentary aspects of carbon cycle, green house gas driven global warming and climate change and need for decarbonization technologies (3 lectures). Module 2 Major carbon emitters and current practices - Introduction to major carbon emitting sectors – agriculture, power generation, cement, iron & steel making, chemicals and plastics and transportation; current practices and quantum of emissions from these activities with special focus on hard to decarbonize sectors (9 lectures). Module 3 Major decarbonization technologies - Rudimentary aspects of electrification including storage, efficiency enhancement, use of hydrogen, biomass and other low-carbon feed stock alternatives, and carbon capture, utilization and storage. Discussion of application of these methods to decarbonization. (9 lectures). Module 4 Hydrogen and biomass - conventional and new low carbon sources of hydrogen; quantum of its current use and potential for substitution with low carbon sources; basics of biomass thermo-chemical conversion processes for heat, power and fuels/chemicals. Strategies for introduction of hydrogen in cement, iron & steel making. (9 lectures). Module 5 Carbon capture, utilization and storage - post and pre-combustion capture, oxy-fuel combustion, direct air capture; absorption, adsorption and mineral carbonation processes for CO2 capture; associated energy penalty; emerging technologies and their potential for deployment; synergies between CCS and cement and iron & steel industries. Basics of CO2 utilization for synthesis of fuels and chemicals; basics of CO2 storage (9 lectures).

Text Books: N/A

Reference Books: (1) RACKLEY, Stephen A. "Carbon capture and storage. Stephen A. Rackley." (2010). (2) Ramanathan, V., Aines, R., Auffhammer, M., Barth, M., Cole, J., Forman, F., & Zaelke, D. (2019). Bending the curve: Climate change solutions. (3) Smil, Vaclav. Power density: a key to understanding energy sources and uses. MIT press, 2015. (4) Gates, Bill. How to avoid a climate disaster: the solutions we have and the breakthroughs we need. Knopf, 2021. (5) MacKay, David. Sustainable Energy-without the hot air. UIT cambridge, 2008.
Prerequisite: None

2. HS5760 - Climate Economics

Description: Climate change is one of the most significant challenges humanity as a whole has ever faced. It is a truly global collective action problem, whose social costs will be massive, widespread, unpredictable, and inequitably distributed. This course undertakes the challenge of climate change from an economics perspective. This course will use the lens of economics to clarify the costs and benefits of climate change; understand the challenges of climate change mitigation, and understand the theoretical and empirical impacts of climate policies. This course will begin by reviewing some foundational economic concepts and studying the effects of climate change. The objectives of the course are to understand, 1. how the costs and benefits of mitigation are measured and how to simulate them in a numerical model; 2. the economics of climate change and policies; 3. the current landscape of domestic and international policy planning and implementation related to climate change. Learning outcomes 1. Articulate key issues relating to climate change; 2. Explain how economics can offer public policies aimed at mitigating the effects of climate change; 3. Undertake independent research in the area of the economics of climate change mitigation.

Course Content: Part-A: Understanding climate economics 1.The science of Climate Change a. Process, b. Projections 2. Emissions scenarios and options for emission reduction a. Sources of greenhouse gas emissions; b. Trends and scenarios of future emissions; c. Options for emission reduction d. Beyond the Kaya identity 3. Abatement costs a. The cost of emission reduction; b. Negative emissions; c. Negative abatement costs Part-B: Policy instruments 4. Policy instruments for emission reduction a. The justification for a public policy; b. Direct, market-based instruments; c. Second-best regulations 5. Impact of climate change a. Total economic impacts; b. Impact and development; c. Marginal economic impact 6. Climate and development a. Exponential growth; b. Poverty trap; c. Natural disasters 7. Adaptation policy and optimal climate policy a. Adaptation versus mitigation; b. Adaptation and development Part-C: International cooperation 8.International environmental agreements a. Cooperative and non- cooperative abatement; b. Free-riding; c. International climate policies

Text Books: Tol, Richard SJ. Climate Economics: Economic Analysis of Climate, Climate Change and Climate Policy. 2nd ed. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. 2019.

Reference Books: 1. Kolstad, C. D., Intermediate Environmental Economics, Oxford University Press. 2011 2. Stern, Nicholas, and Nicholas Herbert Stern. The economics of climate change: the Stern review. Cambridge University Press, 2007.
Prerequisite: NA

3. CH5013 - Principles of Fuel Cells

Description: To familiarize students with the principles of fuel cells

Course Content: Introduction: Working of a fuel cell; Brief history of development; Fuel cell in comparison with a battery and a heat engine; Types of fuel cells Thermodynamics of fuel cells: Review of thermodynamic concepts; Reversible cell potential; Effect of operating conditions on reversible cell potential; Energy conversion efficiency Electrochemistry of fuel cells: Electrode potential and cell polarization; Review of electrochemical kinetics; Activation polarization for charge transfer reaction; Butler-Volmer equation; Electrocatalysis Transport phenomena in fuel cells: Basic definitions of multicomponent mixtures; Transport of mass, momentum and energy; Transport coefficients and their evaluation; Concentration polarization; Transport of electricity and ohmic polarization Characterization of cell performance; Fuel cell stack; Balance of plant systems Introduction to fuel cell systems: Alkaline fuel cells; Phosphoric acid fuel cells; Proton exchange membrane fuel cells; Molten carbonate fuel cells; Solid oxide fuel cells

Text Books: Li X., Principles of Fuel Cells, Taylor & Francis, 2006. Barbir, F. PEM Fuel Cells: Theory and Practice, Academic Press, 2005. Viswanathan B. and Aulice Scibioh Fuel Cells: Principles and Applications, CRC Press, 2007.

Reference Books: NIL

Prerequisite: NA

4. CH4960 - The Nuclear Energy Option

Description: The objectives of the course are two-fold: firstly, to outline the science and engineering of extracting power through nuclear fission, and, secondly, to give a perspective on modern developments in harnessing nuclear energy.

Course Content: BackgroundFrom the discovery of neutrons in 1932 to understanding fission of uranium by neutron bombardment in 1939 to achieving a critical mass in 1942 to making an atomic bomb in 1945 and a commercial nuclear power plant in 1956, nuclear energy made rapid strides to contribute as much 19% of world’s electricity generation in the year 1993. Though it received severe jolts to its development through high profile accidents such as the Three Mile Island in 1979, Chernobyl in 1986 and Fukushima in 2011, nuclear energy is once again in the reckoning due to widely-shared concerns about global warming and air pollution despite persistent apprehensions and doubts about safety, sustainability and proliferation issues related to exploitation of nuclear power.Course contentsThe course is divided into three modules. The first module, spread over 24 lectures, discusses the conventional and established technology of nuclear power generation. The second module, containing 12 lectures, presents the Generation IV nuclear power plants and the distinctive path that India is pursuing for nuclear power generation. The third module of 8 lectures discusses issues of concern about nuclear power through specific case studies. These include Chernobyl accident and subsequent developments, decommissioning of Chooz-A nuclear reactor in France, the Aspö Hard Rock Laboratory for radioactive waste management and the construction of 500 MWe Fast Breeder Reactor at Kalpakkam.

Text Books: J.R. LaMarsh (2017) Introduction to Nuclear Engineering, 4th Revised Edition, Pearson.R.L. Murray (2014) Nuclear Energy: An Introduction to the Concepts, Systems, and Applications of Nuclear Processes, 7th Revised Edition, Butterworth-Heinemann.S. Glasstone (1991) Nuclear Reactor Engineering, Krieger Publication Company.

Reference Books: IT OpenCourseWare on Nuclear Science and EngineeringInternet sources and current literature

Prerequisite: NA

Semester 2

All courses are offered subject to sufficient enrolled students. All course descriptions are provisional and subject to minor change. Example elective courses are listed below.

Electives at UoB :

Course No. Course Title
04 31566 Renewable Energy Systems
04 34391 Energy Systems Design
04 31268 Energy Systems Modelling
04 37627 Sustainable Cooling and the Cold Chain
04 32458 Energy Storage
04 36869 Fuel Cell Electrical Vehicles
04 38404 Hydrogen Policies Markets and Standardization
04 36872 Low Temperature Fuel Cells
04 34534 Industry 4.0 and Big Data
04 31632 Business and Strategy Development

Semester 1 & 4

Electives at IIT Madras

Course No. Course Title
ME6005 Solar Energy For Process Heat & Power Generation
EE5204 Electric Vehicles and Renewable Energy
EE6010 Smart Power Grids
AM5061 Design of Thermal and Fluid Systems
CH5018 Biomass Conversion Processes and Analysis
ED5317 Strategies for Managing Innovation
ME5207 Design with Advanced Engineering Materials
ME5204 Finite Element Analysis

The list may be expanded by taking approvals from BAC and specific requests received from students

Semester 4

Electives at University of Birmingham

Course No. Course Title
04 31272 Thermal Energy - Conversion, Storage, and Applications
04 31267 Energy Systems and Policy
04 37607 Fuel Cell Technologies
04 36871 Hydrogen and Hydrogen-based Fuels
04 36868 Fuel Cells Modelling Tools and Control
04 31634 Project Management (Business Strategy Delivery)

Semester 1 & 4

Electives at IIT Madras

1. ME6005 - Solar Energy For Process Heat & Power Generation

Module Description:This module provides a comprehensive introduction to the utilization of solar energy for process heat and power generation. It covers fundamental concepts such as energy demand analysis, temperature requirements, consumption patterns, and various applications across industrial, commercial, and residential sectors. The module delves into solar radiation measurement and prediction techniques, laying the groundwork for understanding solar thermal technologies and their design principles.

2. EE5204 - Electric Vehicles and Renewable Energy

Module Description: 1. India’s energy Scenario 2. India’s road-transport and importance of EVs in India 3. Centralised and Decentralised Power generation systems using Solar PV: technology and economics; solar-DC systems; bi-directional grid synchronisation 4. Centralised and Decentralised Wind Power systems: technology and economics 5. Other Renewable Energy sources 6. Grid-storage for Renewable Energy 7. System level analysis of power consumed in EVs; Electric Vehicle architecture and sub-systems 8. Batteries for EVs 9. Electric Drive-trains: Motors, controllers, DC-DC converters, other subsystems 10. EV Chargers and battery-Swappers 11. Cost-challenges of EVs in India and the world 12. Electric 2-wheelrs, 3-wheelers, 4-wheelers, buses, small goods-vehicles

3. EE6010 - Smart Power Grids

  • INTRODUCTION TO SMART GRID: Evolution of Smart Grid. Need and Benefits of Smart Grid. Divers for Smart grid, functions, opportunities and challenges. Difference between conventional and Smart Grid. Concept of Resilient & Self Healing Grid, Present development & International policies in Smart Grid.
  • SMART GRID TECHNOLOGIES: Smart Grid Technology Drivers, Renewable energy resources, Smart substations, Substation Automation, Feeder Automation ,Transmission systems: EMS, FACTS and HVDC, Wide area monitoring, Protection and control, Distribution systems: DMS, Volt/VAr control, Fault Detection, Isolation and service restoration, Outage management, High-Efficiency Distribution Transformers, Phase Shifting Transformers, Plug in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEV).
  • SMART METERS AND ADVANCED METERING INFRASTRUCTURE: Introduction to Smart Meters, Advanced Metering infrastructure (AMI) drivers and benefits, AMI protocols and standards, AMI needs in the smart grid, Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU), Intelligent Electronic Devices(IED) & their applications.
  • POWER QUALITY MANAGEMENT IN SMART GRID: Power Quality in Smart Grid, Power Quality issues of Grid connected Renewable Energy Sources, Power Quality Conditioners for Smart Grid, Web based Power Quality monitoring, Power Quality Audit.
  • SMART GRID COMMUNICATIONS: Local Area Network (LAN), House Area Network (HAN), Wide Area Network (WAN), Broadband over Power line (BPL), IP based Protocols, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) Cyber Security for Smart Grid.
  • DATA ANALYTICS IN SMART GRIDS: Data Analytics, Foundations, Big Data Management, Analytical Models in Utility, Predictive Analysis and Prescriptive Analysis, Operational Analytics. etc. Applications in Energy Forecasting, Demand response and Energy Analytics, case study in Hadoop and R.
  • SMART GRID APPLICATIONS: Demand Side Management, Load Management, State Estimation, Energy Management and Conservation, Smart Grid Analytics, Data Mining and Clustering. Etc.

  • 4. AM5061 - Design of Thermal and Fluid Systems

    Module Description: This module offers a deep dive into the understanding, analysis, and design of thermo-fluid systems, focusing on power plants and process plants. It employs computational and mathematical models to dissect the components of these systems, facilitating a comprehensive understanding of their makeup and behaviour. Through this knowledge, students learn to design innovative projects, incorporating principles of combustion, fluid flows, and heat transfer. Furthermore, the module explores the properties of fluids and refrigerants crucial for designing efficient heating and cooling systems, including heat pumps, organic Rankine cycle systems, absorption, and adsorption cooling technologies, and CO2 refrigeration systems.

    5. CH5018 - Biomass Conversion Processes and Analysis

    Module Description: This module offers a comprehensive exploration of biomass utilization for bioenergy and biofuel production, addressing the critical need for sustainable energy solutions. It begins with an in-depth analysis of various biomass feedstocks, examining their constituents and properties. Students gain proficiency in analytical techniques essential for characterizing biomass effectively. The module further delves into biomass pre-treatment and processing techniques, evaluating their applicability for different biomass types. Emphasis is placed on understanding and assessing the properties of biofuels, including their suitability for engine applications. The culmination of the module involves designing a sustainable biorefinery for biofuels and bioenergy production, integrating diverse processes to maximize efficiency and minimize environmental impact.

    6. ED5317 - Strategies for Managing innovation

    The course objectives are to understand:

    i.   Provide tools for creative problem solving in various environments.
    ii.  Strategies to harness creativity by identifying innovative concepts and thoughts.
    iii. Learn from case studies on innovation streaming from various functional areas in an organization such as R&D, operations, from creative global organizations.

    Course Contents:

    Methods and Tools: Understanding Innovation; differentiate breakthrough innovation and incremental improvements, five step discovery process, RBG Innovation Paradigm (RIP) for problem solving. Intrinsic and Extrinsic Inspirations: Functional area innovations, maximizing R&D innovations, customer centric research and innovation, understanding market for new product, service and experience.

    Sustaining Innovation: Mapping an innovation strategy, navigating through innovation life cycles, managing, attracting and retaining creative people, organizing to maximize innovations, protecting IP and monetizing.

    Disruptions and Macro Disturbances: Low end and new market disruptions, innovations for bottom of the pyramid, risk analysis and mitigation, societal perceptions, competitive innovations across industries, national and trans-national interventions.

    7. ME5207 - Design with Advanced Engineering Materials

    Module Description: This module offers a comprehensive understanding of materials selection for various engineering applications, emphasizing the critical role of materials in the design process. Students delve into the selection criteria for different classes of materials, including high-temperature materials such as superalloys, engineering plastics, elastomers, ceramics, and coatings. Through the exploration of material properties, classification, and selection methodologies, students learn to choose materials based on function, objectives, constraints, and free variables. The module also covers advanced topics such as co-selection of materials and shapes, computer-aided materials selection, and selection of processes based on material classification. Additionally, students gain insights into the general properties, design considerations, and applications of plastics, polymers, elastomers, fibre-reinforced plastics, ceramics, and high-temperature materials.

    8. ME5204 - Finite Element Analysis

    This module provides a comprehensive exploration of the fundamental concepts and formulation of finite element methods (FEM) for solving differential equations prevalent in solid and fluid mechanics. Students gain a deep understanding of engineering systems, including continuous and discrete systems, through discussions on differential equations and matrix algebra. The course covers energy methods, including variational principles and weighted residual techniques such as the least square method, collocation, sub-domain collocation, and the Galerkin method. Students learn to apply these techniques to one-dimensional equations, developing bar and beam elements and applying them to problems such as trusses and frames. The module progresses to finite elements for two-dimensional problems, covering concepts such as discretization, choice of elements, derivation of element shape functions (Lagrangian and Hermite), numerical integration, assembly procedures, solution techniques, and an introduction to finite element programming. Applications of FEM to engineering problems including plane elasticity, heat conduction, potential flow, and transient problems are explored, with a focus on computer implementation.

    Semester 2

    Electives at University of Birmingham

    1. 04 31566 - Renewable Energy Systems

    Course Description

    This module covers the operating principles, characteristics, and classifications of energy storage solutions and their integration within a whole energy system.
    In addition, this module covers the operating principles, characteristics, and interactions of distributed heat and power generation technologies (for example, wind power systems, photovoltaic systems, biomass-derived systems), their technical and environmental benefits, their planning, operating, and grid integration challenges, complexities, remedies, charging mechanisms in a distribution energy business, and standards.

    Finally, the integration of such technology into energy networks will be studied from a standpoint of demand; specifically how such technology can be utilised both to satisfy realtime demand as a function of grid load change and to accommodate increased future energy demand. This latter consideration is also important when considering the increasing energy demand in developing nations.

    Learning Outcomes:
    By the end of the module, students should be able to:

    • Explain operating principles, characteristics, and classifications of energy storage solutions and their integration within a whole energy system.
    • Calculate/analyse energy capacities and other parameters of various energy storage technologies, e.g. battery, compressed air, pumped hydro, etc.
    • Explain operating principles, characteristics, and interactions of distributed heat and power generation technologies, their technical and environmental benefits, their planning, operating, and grid integration challenges, complexities, remedies, charging mechanisms in a distribution energy business, and standards
    • Critically analyse the use of such technology as part of a nation’s energy system, and be able to incorporate such technology into the design of small/local-scale energy systems.


    31566-01 : Coursework : Coursework (90%)
    31566-02 : Peerwise : Coursework (10%)

    Assessment Methods & Exceptions

    Assessment: 2500-word individual assignment (80% marks) and oral presentation (20% marks)
    reassessment: 3000-word individual assignment

    2. 04 34391 - Energy Systems Design


    It is necessary for engineers to be able to use their technical expertise to design processes and systems that can improve on current practice through implementation of innovative, more efficient designs or yield a step change increase in performance via novel technology.

    This module will allow students to use their engineering expertise gained via other modules and their previous experience, supplemented with information from pertinent guest lectures, and apply such to the field of energy system design.

    The syllabus will include analysis of the UK energy mix, transmission and distribution from an industrial/government point of view, as opposed from that of the purely theoretical.

    Students will ultimately be expected to design a technology pathway to a specific type of energy system for a small conurbation for near-future implementation of policy and infrastructure (5-10 years).

    Learning Outcomes

    By the end of the module students should be able to:

    • Design a detailed technical pathway by which a small conurbation could transition to sustainable energy sources.
    • Describe how local geography, demographics, and legislation can affect the ability of municipalities to adhere to energy-related targets set both by local and national government.
    • Authoritatively and critically discuss their technical solutions as part of oral presentations that could be delivered to (for example) policymakers.
    • Communicate complex ideas concisely and succinctly by means of detailed written reports.


    34391-01 : Individual Report : Coursework (80%)
    34391-02 : Group Presentation : Presentation (20%)

    3. 04 31268 - Energy Systems Modelling


    This module will give students a thorough grounding in the modelling of both engineering processes and energy networks. In order to understand how the UK delivers variable amounts of power in response to changing demand, students must understand the mathematics and engineering behind both the generation of energy and its distribution via the energy networks (some of which material is taught in other modules) and be able to build mathematical models that can describe these processes. As such, the syllabus will entail:

    a) Thermodynamics of conventional power generation and energy distribution networks.

    b) Use of CFD software (Comsol) to investigate the behaviour of process units, e.g. heat exchangers.

    c) Use of Matlab and Simulink software for numerical modelling, network modelling and frequency response modelling.

    d) Use of flowsheeting techniques to model overall power plant cycles and heat networks

    Learning Outcomes

    By the end of the module students should be able to:

    • Develop mathematical models to describe unit processes and networks of such via selection of appropriate methodology based upon the physical phenomena involved, employ computational methods and relevant software packages to solve these models, and authoritatively describe how such models should be validated.
    • Build computational models of energy generation processes and use these models to investigate how these processes can be optimised.
    • Analyse electricity and heat distribution network models, and to use such analysis to understand how different types of generation and storage systems can be used to satisfy fluctuating demands.


    31268-01 : Coursework : Coursework (100%)

    Assessment Methods & Exceptions

    Assessment: 100% written coursework (Canvas). Reassessment: same.

    4. 04 37627 - Sustainable Cooling and the Cold Chain


    The module focuses on the following main areas:

    1. Grand challenges for cooling and cold chain (i.e. temperature-controlled supply chain) under global warming, including storing and distributing food, vaccines, as well as space cooling. Clean cooling and cold chains are central to many aspects of a modern society and underpin socio-economic well-being as well as a population’s health. For instance, a robust cold chain is needed for COVID-19 vaccination globally.

    2. Assessing needs of cooling and cold chain using quantitative and qualitative data.

    3. Renewable energy and clean technology options for designing solutions to meet cooling and cold-chain needs, for example, the use of solar and energy storage technologies instead of fossil fuel.

    4. Skills and innovative business models for maintaining sustainable cooling and cold chains.

    5. Case studies of sustainable cooling and cold chain in developed and developing countries. This may include (but not limited to) case studies in the UK, EU, India, Bangladesh, Rwanda, and Kenya.

    Learning Outcomes

    By the end of the module students should be able to:

    • Explain why sustainable cooling and cold chains are important globally
    • Identify what different cooling needs are across sectors, and the demand of energy to meet the needs of cooling and cold chain
    • Explain and assess what energy source and technologies could deliver clean cooling and cold-chain services, whilst reducing the total demand of energy and cooling
    • Assess cooling and cold-chain needs, and design solutions to meet the needs with whole-systems thinking


    37627-01 : Group Presentation : Coursework (20%)
    37627-02 : Coursework : Coursework (80%)

    Assessment Methods & Exceptions

    Coursework: 2500-words report (80%), a group presentation (20%)

    5. 04 38404 - Hydrogen Policies, Markets, and Standardisation


    This module will supply insight into the political and economical context of the 'Hydrogen Economy'. This includes applications of hydrogen and its markets, the companies involved in supplying and handling hydrogen, and their business cases. We will also look at the regulations, codes, and standards (RCS) that apply to hydrogen and fuel cells. We will cover:

    - Hydrogen related policies in the EU, UK, and globally

    - The role of hydrogen in the decarbonisation of the energy system, transport and industry

    - Suppliers, distributors, sales and applications of hydrogen

    - Regulations, codes, and standards applying to hydrogen and fuel cells

    The module builds on previous knowledge gathered in hydrogen and fuel cell related modules and is intended as an add-on covering high-level issues of hydrogen implementation.

    Learning Outcomes

    By the end of the module students should be able to:

    • Explain and critically assess the potential, benefits, boundary conditions, and prospects of employing hydrogen technology today and in future markets
    • Describe the political and economic context and boundary conditions under which hydrogen and fuel cell technologies are being deployed. Be able to assess the complex contribution hydrogen can offer to the decarbonisation of the energy system.
    • Assess the appropriateness of hydrogen technology in reaching real and net zero carbon goals.
    • Communicate information, concepts, issues and their resolutions to specialists and non-specialists.


    38404-01 : Class test : Class Test (25%)
    38404-02 : Coursework : Coursework (75%)

    Assessment Methods & Exceptions

    Assessment: class test (25%) 3500 word individual coursework report (75%)

    Reassessment: re-submission of coursework (100%)

    6. 04 36872 - Low Temperature Fuel Cells


    The module will cover the low temperature fuel cells (LT-FCs) their science, materials, construction issues and applications

    • Electrochemistry/thermodynamics/ related to LT-FC
    • Constructions design and components of LT-FC
    • Types of LT-FC
    • LT-FC catalyst materials, preparation and characterisation
    • LT-FC separators materials, preparation and characterisation
    • LT-FC degradation issues
    • Applications of LT-FC (automotive, CHP)

    Learning Outcomes

    By the end of the module students should be able to:

    • Present and criticise the potential, benefits, boundary conditions, and prospects of employing LT-FC technology today and in future markets.
    • Describe the theoretical basis of LT-FC with respect to the electrochemistry and thermodynamics and be able to apply this knowledge to moderately complex problems.
    • Be able to choose appropriate technology when faced with a moderately complex engineering design task; Select appropriate materials for HT-FC designs and define crucial properties.
    • Communicate information, concepts, problems and solutions to specialists and non-specialists.


    36872-01 : Coursework : Coursework (100%)

    Assessment Methods & Exceptions

    Assessment: 100% individual coursework report 2500 words

    Reassessment: 100% re-submission of coursework

    7. 04 34534 - Industry 4.0 and Big Data


    The use of technology and data within industry is being considered as a new form of industrial revolution. This is now commonly called Industry 4.0. This module introduces the key concepts that are required to understand the benefits and challenges of this use of technology and data within the process and related industries.

    During the module the key concepts around (i) Interconnection, (ii) Information transparency, (ii) Technical assistance and (iv) Decentralised decisions will be introduced. A series of case studies from relevant industry will then present the key challenges and potential impact of the changes provided by the technology and data.

    Learning Outcomes

    By the end of the module students should be able to:

    • Compare and contrast the potential benefits and issues around Industry 4.0
    • Appraise the uses and need for AI (artificial intelligence) and the role of data security.


    34534-01 : Coursework : Coursework (80%)
    34534-02 : Class Test : Class Test (20%)

    Assessment Methods & Exceptions

    Assessment: 5000-6000 word report (100%)

    Reassessment: Resubmission of 5000-6000 word report (100%)

    8. 04 31632 - Business and Strategy Development


    The module links directly with engineering and project management giving a business and enterprise context. Following a natural entrepreneurial flow, it considers the critical aspects of turning a commercial idea or a concept into a business. Looking at how consumer trends and globalisation impact strategy, and how companies turn their strategies into programmes and projects to deliver them.

    Learning Outcomes

    By the end of the module students should be able to:

    • Determine how an idea or concept can be made into a viable and deliverable cause.
    • Classify the impact of consumer demands, economic models and globalisation on development of a business or enterprise strategy.
    • Evaluate how the organisation and culture of an enterprise links to its strategy.
    • Apply the key concepts in designing a strategy and developing a plan for delivering the enterprise intent.


    31632-01 : Coursework : Coursework (80%)
    Tutorial : Coursework (20%)

    Assessment Methods & Exceptions

    Assessment: 20% assessment based on tutorial (online if required), 80% written coursework (Canvas).

    Reassessment: 100% coursework.

    Semester 4

    Electives at UoB

    1. 04 31272 - Thermal Energy - conversion, storage and applications


    This module will cover the following aspects –

    • Fundamental concept of thermal energy;
    • Generation of thermal energy;
    • Thermal energy conversion processes;
    • Thermal energy transmission/transportation;
    • Thermal energy storage;
    • Applications of thermal energy

    Learning Outcomes

    By the end of the module students should be able to:

    • Understand the fundamental theory underpinning thermal energy generation, conversion, transportation and storage
    • Critically discuss the methods, processes and unit operations for thermal energy generation, conversion, transportation and storage
    • Understand and implement design principles for thermal energy conversion, transportation and storage processes
    • Gain insight into and authoritatively discuss the state-of-the-art developments in energy materials, devices and system technologies


    31272-01 : Report : Coursework (50%)
    31272-02 : Coursework : Coursework (50%)

    Assessment Methods & Exceptions

    Assessment: Assessment: 100% written coursework (Canvas). Reassessment: same.

    2. 04 31267 - Energy Systems and Policy


    The aim is to give students an overview of the demand for and supply of energy, the technologies involved, and the main economic and policy issues.

    The topics covered are: The demand for energy, fossil fuels, electricity generation (conventional, nuclear and renewable), hydrogen, electricity networks, electricity markets, investment decisions, energy security, energy and the environment, and energy policy.

    Learning Outcomes

    By the end of the module students should be able to:

    • Demonstrate comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the main demands for energy and how they are currently met.
    • Critically appraise how demands for energy are likely to change in future.
    • Critically analyse the main economic, environmental and political forces affecting the energy industries, particularly in the UK.


    31267-01 : Coursework : Coursework (80%)
    31267-03 : Presentation : Presentation (20%)

    Assessment Methods & Exceptions

    Assessment: 20% Group exercise (online), 80% coursework (submitted on Canvas)

    3. 04 37607 - Fuel Cell Technologies


    Fuel cells are a modern technology to convert chemical energy (fuels) into electricity and heat at very high efficiencies. Apart from water (and CO2, depending on fuel type) there are no harmful emissions from the process. The module will cover uel Cell technologies and their science

    • Electrochemistry/thermodynamics/energy analysis tools
    • Applications of fuel cells and hydrogen
    • Low temperature fuel cells, materials, designs, fuels, and systems
    • High temperature fuel cells, materials, designs, fuels, and systems
    • Fuels for fuel cells
    • Fuel cell systems
    • Environmental analysis, market introduction, economy, and policy framework

    Learning Outcomes

    By the end of the module students should be able to:

    • Present and criticise the potential, benefits, boundary conditions, and prospects of employing fuel cell technology today and in future markets
    • Describe the Physics, Chemistry and Engineering of fuel cell technologies and be able to apply this knowledge to moderately complex problems
    • Choose appropriate technology when faced with a moderately complex engineering design task
    • Communicate information, concepts, problems and solutions to specialists and non-specialists.


    37607-01 : Coursework : Coursework (100%)

    Assessment Methods & Exceptions

    Assessment: Individual coursework report 4,000 words (100%)

    Reassessment: 100% coursework

    4. 04 36871 - Hydrogen and hydrogen-based fuels


    The module will cover the production and storage of hydrogen as a fuel for fuel cells and for decarbonising industry and the overall energy system. The topics covered include:

    • An Introduction to Hydrogen
    • Hydrogen production from fossil energy sources
    • Hydrogen production by the electrolysis of water at temperatures below 100ºC
    • High temperature water electrolysis
    • Hydrogen production using nuclear energy and solar thermo-chemical cycles
    • Renewable hydrogen, non-electrolysis and natural (geologic) hydrogen
    • Separation and Purification of Hydrogen
    • Hydrogen Storage
    • On-board storage
    • Infrastructure, supply chain, transport, dispensing
    • Power to Gas technologies

    Learning Outcomes

    By the end of the module students should be able to:

    • Present and criticise the methods, potential, benefits, and prospects of hydrogen production, storage and safety handling.
    • Understand concepts that relate to Power to Gas and Power to X concepts.
    • Describe the Physics, Chemistry and Engineering of hydrogen production and storage technologies and be able to apply this knowledge to moderately complex problems.
    • Choose appropriate technology when faced with a moderately complex engineering design task.
    • Communicate information, concepts, problems and solutions to specialists and non-specialists.


    36871-01 : Exam : Exam (Centrally Timetabled) - Written Unseen (50%)
    36871-02 : Coursework : Coursework (50%)

    Assessment Methods & Exceptions


    50% written unseen exam, 1 hour
    50% individual study report 2500 words

    Reassessment: 100% exam

    5. 04 36868 - Fuel Cells Modelling Tools and Control


    The module will provide the basics of modelling fuel cells, hydrogen production and related processes with the tools available to Chemical Engineers. The type of modelling varies with the level of detail and the various

    fuel conversion processes involved. Topics covered in the course are:

    • Introduction to modelling of fuel cell systems
    • Thermodynamics and electrochemistry basic principles
    • Transport phenomena
    • Electrochemical modelling
    • PEFC modelling
    • SOFCs modelling: multidimensional approach
    • SOFC stack and system modelling
    • Exercises
    • Seminar on biogas-fed SOFC-based systems
    • Introduction on control
    • Models for control
    • Dynamic responses
    • Feedback control, P-,PI-,PD- controllers
    • Linear control design for fuel cells
    • Control applied to Fuel cells (exercise)

    Learning Outcomes

    By the end of the module students should be able to:

    • Discuss the mathematical tools that are required to simulate the operation and performances of a fuel cell system, including an overview on the equations to model the fundamental physical phenomena occurring inside the active layers (electrodes and electrolyte) of the electrochemical cell.
    • Explain methodological approaches that are required to design and simulate the performance of fuel cell or electrolyser systems.
    • Understand the modes of operation of a fuel cell and the operating principle(s) of single components comprised in a fuel cell system.
    • Display knowledge on how to perform energy systems analysis of fuel cell systems with a focus on stationary applications.


    36868-01 : Coursework : Coursework (50%)
    36868-02 : Class Test 1 : Class Test (50%)

    Assessment Methods & Exceptions


    2,500-word Individual study report (50%)
    1 marked class tests (50%)

    Reassessment: 100% report resubmission

    6. 04 31634 - Project Management (Business Strategy Delivery)


    The module links directly with engineering and business strategy development, demonstrating how programmes and projects are derived from a business intent. Describes the ontology and structure of projects and develops the role of a project manager in planning and delivering the required benefits for the enterprise.

    Learning Outcomes

    By the end of the module students should be able to:

    • Analyze the link between strategy and projects and be able to describe the challenges enterprises face in delivery.
    • Develop the attributes of a project and contrast with that of ongoing operations and the need for different approaches in management.
    • Critically compare different types of project and analyse how the approaches are appropriate for their intent.
    • Apply the key concepts in producing and outline plan for a project / programme in delivering a business outcome.


    31634-01 : Written Report : Coursework (80%)
    31634-02 : Tutorial Assessment : Coursework (20%)

    Assessment Methods & Exceptions


    20% assessment based on tutorial (online if required), 80% written coursework (Canvas).
    1 marked class tests (50%)

    Reassessment: 100% coursework.