Apart from a comprehensive curriculum that includes all aspects of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, students will have several academic opportunities during the course of their career. These include study abroad/semester exchange programs with IIT-M’s partner institutions in the UK and Australia among other countries; internships with various globally-relevant companies; and a chance to meet some of the course requirements at IIT Madras in Chennai, India.
Does this all make you even more curious about how the campus looks? Say no more. Here, in this exclusive photo feature, we take you on a campus tour on things to look forward to in the Zanzibar campus. Yes, it’s a picturesque location!

Until the 215-acre permanent campus is fully ready for operations, students will be put up in the temporary campus at the Bweleo district of Zanzibar. For the permanent campus, the land has been identified and approved.

The hostel can accommodate 70 students in total from both programs. It must be noted that the building that was given to IIT-M wasn’t designed for a residential program. The work for the dining facility too is currently underway.

Initially, it was decided that faculty will either be deputed from IIT Madras or recruited from India. Along with admissions, faculty recruitment drives also took place simultaneously and so far, five faculty members have been recruited. At Zanzibar, all faculty members and staff will be put up in an international housing colony next to the main campus.

Interlocking bricks have been used for flooring all through the campus. Most of the remaining work for the campus will be ready before classes for the first academic year (2023- 24) commence in October 2023. Like IIT-M, sustainability will be the priority at the Zanzibar campus too.

Plans are underway to install IIT-M’s iconic Gajendra Circle at the campus. Unlike the Gajendras of IIT-M, the Zanzibar campus will have Indian and African elephants holding the respective country flags

IIT Madras Zanzibar offers two full-time academic programs: a four-year Bachelor of Science in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence and a two-year Master of Technology in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. The total student intake will be 70.