In February, we invited international students studying in various universities across Chennai to take part in Experience IIT Madras, a one-of-a-kind student fair on campus. They were given a rounded picture of the institution; the various programmes it offers; facilities and scholarships that are available to students coming from diverse backgrounds. The day-long event, organised for the first time by IIT-M, saw the participation of over 90 students and faculty members from eight universities who had the opportunity to explore the campus via a tour that had several pit stops. We captured their experience and enthusiasm in the form of a photo feature. We let the pictures speak for themselves.
Captions by Deepa Alexander. Text by Sethuram Vasudevan. from the Office of Global Engagement, IIT-M

Students networked with peers and made new friends on campus.

An interactive online game on Kahoot ensured laughs and smiles. Teaching through games is one initiative faculty use to make learning fun.

Students walk through the beautiful green lanes of the campus during the tour.

The wide array of programmes offered by IIT-M were presented during the session. Students took detailed notes.

The Manohar C Watsa Stadium, houses an eight-lane synthetic track for running, long jump, triple jump, pole vault and shot-put. Students stop for a quick selfie, before calling it a day.

Experience IIT-M took participants on a bus ride on the campus.

The international student’s community at IIT-M is diverse and vibrant with the number currently standing at 100 from across the world. The visiting international students pose for a picture.