Project: #105

Digital Twins for Industrial Decarbonization: Sustainability; Cyber Security and Reliability

Campus: Melbourne Burwood Campus

Industrial cyber-physical systems (ICPS) encompass a wide range of applications, including large factories, farms, energy systems, building automation, and complex processing operations such as baggage handling and fruit sorting. These systems distribute software across numerous devices with limited processing power, leading to significant vulnerabilities and potential for catastrophic security attacks. This project focuses on creating digital twins of ICPS, to enable modelling, analysis, and enhancement of system security.

By developing digital twins, this research aims to provide insights into ICPS behaviour, vulnerabilities, and methods to strengthen their cybersecurity posture. Undertaking this project offers students a unique opportunity to delve into cutting-edge advancements in industrial cyber-physical systems (ICPS) and digital twins, technologies shaping the future of smart industries.

The;project will help develop important skills in software modelling, cybersecurity analysis, and machine learning applications—all critical skills in today's digital landscape. Keywords: Digital twins, industrial cyber-physical systems, cybersecurity, software modelling;