Hotel Accommodation
We recommend the following hotels for accommodation. The participants may contact the hotel directly for booking. The organisers will provide transportation to and from these hotels to the conference venue. In case of any difficulty, please contact
- Ginger Chennai, (Tharamani, IITM)
- The hotel is located in the IITM Research Park adjacent to our campus.
- Holiday Inn, (# 110, Rajiv Gandhi Salai, Chennai, 600041 India)
- Lemon Tree Hotel, (72, Sardar Patel Road, Guindy, Chennai, Tamil Nadu – 600032, India)
- The Westin Velachery, (154 Velachery Main Road Chennai, India 600042)
Hotel Accommodation for Students
Student participants can avail the accommodation in IIT Madras hostels on payment basis. The hostel room rent is Rs. 600 for single occupancy and Rs. 420 for double occupancy. The participants can also avail the mess facility for breakfast and dinner upon payment. Interested student delegates may register at the below link. The payment for the accommodation can be made at the time of check-in.
Note: Student/postdoc participants who filled out the accommodation request form will have confirmed hostel accommodation.