1. Basic Information


IITM & Tel Aviv JFBMP Partnership Application Form

Basic Information


Full Name



Role within project

Please specify (ECR/MCR/PhD Candidate)


Full Name



Role within project

Please specify (ECR/MCR/PhD Candidate)

Funding has to be sourced from outside of the project. No funding from the JFBMP for non-IITM -affiliated faculty


Full Name



Role within project

Please specify (ECR/MCR/PhD Candidate)

Max 300 characters

*** Please note that this Abstract may be published online (eg. Academic Profile) *** (Max 140 words)

*** Please note that this Project Description may be published online (eg. Staff News) *** (Max 100 words***)

Max 500 Words

(Note: Projects should not start any later than 1st September 2024)

(Note: Project end date is no later than 30 June 2025)

Clearly describe the objectives and methodology to be employed with the project. The alignment with strategic priorities and the objectives of the funding scheme will be considered in combination with the soundness of the concept and credibility of the proposed methodology.Explain how the participants in the research team will bring together the necessary expertise to carry out the project. The 2-page CVs of the Chief Investigators will be taken into consideration. (Max 300 Words)

Elaborate on the workplan and milestones outlined in the timeframe (there are separate sections in the application form for an outline of activities in the Timeline and Budget). Proposed timeframes and budget estimates should be realistic and appropriate. The long-term plan for engagement to attract research funding and produce publications will be taken into consideration. This section should also address the appropriateness of the allocation of tasks, ensuring that all participants (including PhD students, postdocs, Early and Mid-Career Researchers (EMCR), and any researchers on Sabbatical Leave) have a valid role and there are adequate resources in the project to enable them to fulfil that role.(Max 300 Words)

Outline what the participants will gain from the project and how it will contribute to the discipline and field of research. Explain how the project will establish or strengthen a durable cooperation between the universities and participants. Explain how the project will impact beyond the academic sphere (i.e. benefit society, address global challenges, Sustainable Development Goals, etc.). Explain how the project activities and results will be communicated to different target audiences.(Max 300 Words)

300-word write-up on how you intend to further cultivate this collaboration and develop it, beyond this seed programme

Eg. Journal Articles, Conference Proceedings, Book Chapter, Research Report for External Body, Patents,etc.

Please download this document template, fill it out and upload it below

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Note: The CV of the Investigators (no more than 2 pages) should include: 1) Qualifications, current position and brief employment history 2) 10 career-best publications 3) Awards and relevant presentations 4) Current grant income 5) Collaborative track record (limited to 200 words)

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