Conference Proposal Form

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(including any international co-organisers)

(list any events as the main organiser or co-organiser)

participants, and other invitees (excluding speakers)

participants, and other invitees (excluding speakers)

A well-thought-out and persuasive executive summary on why IIT Madras should fund this conference in the face of other competing proposals (< 300 words)

outline the main themes and specific goals of the meeting (< 300 words)

explain the significance and necessity of organising this meeting (< 500 words)

mention the previous editions of the event or comparable meetings held previously. (< 300 words)

(in case the venue is outside of IIT Madras, clearly indicate why this is necessary and how IITM will nevertheless benefit from sponsoring this event)

mention all the places of accommodation to be used within and outside IIT Madras (also indicate if all participants will be housed together or in different venues)

We believe that networking is a vital component of every scientific meeting. Organisers are expected to facilitate networking through dedicated activities during the meeting; these should include, but not be limited to, poster sessions, joint meals, meet-the-speaker sessions, and flash talks. The selection committee welcomes creative ideas regarding the facilitation/promotion of networking. (< 300 words)

The meeting is not an end in itself but a means to establish more robust scientific programmes both in your pCoE and at IIT Madras. All meetings should result in at least a position paper and/or a meeting report. Rather than proceedings, an edited book or a short monograph can be another valuable outcome. More importantly, meetings should result in one or more of a) joint degree programmes, b) faculty mobility (both ways), c) student exchanges, d) joint research proposals, etc. While none of these may be guaranteed, thinking about these deliverables early in the conference process can help enable targeted discussions and increase the chances of one or more of the above happening. (< 500 words)

Note: It is highly preferred to have at least 33% women speakers, ~20% early career speakers, and 1-2 distinguished speakers. You may also want to invite journal editors from your field to speak about publishing in your area. At least 75% confirmed speakers will be desirable. Mark each speaker with the distinctions follows: (a) Male / Female, (b) Distinguished / Mid-to-senior / Early Career, (c) Confirmed / Unconfirmed, and (d) National / International

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Provide a detailed breakdown of expected expenses and sources of funding for the conference.

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Present a well-thought-out schedule, having sufficient time for talks, poster sessions, flash talks, excursions, social events, visits to IITM facilities/IITMRP, etc.

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Please submit any supporting document that you think is applicable for the proposal.

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